TIME AND DIRT - Neil Maguire

About Neil maguire

“I am a multi-disciplinary artist that employs materials, skills, and ideas from people and places that I have interacted with. I am interested in in-between spaces like empty fields, alleys, and vacant lots. Every scrap of garbage, every plant, a discarded shoe, all of the objects that can be found in those in-between spaces has a story. Interactions between objects and time creates endless possibilities. The works in Time and Dirt explore all the stories packed into what may seem completely random. Recently I have taken to sculpture. The sculptures show how I see myself amidst my work, as a kind of being moving through many spaces, collecting experiences and expanding their inventory along the way. The seemingly random interactions between disparate objects with time and place is what I play with in my work. I collect collaging materials and “found objects” while working closely with the tools that I have. Exploring the physicality of the material and how my tools work within those parameters, my painting process feels fluid and intuitive. It feels necessary that I become a part of the painting through the process, while at the same time allowing the painting to stand on its own as an object. I do this by being in relation with the materials and the processes I employ from beginning to end. The care that I put into my paintings or sculptures at the beginning stages of the work, and every consecutive stage, will inevitably translate through the whole rest of the process. Much like the layers of paint and collage on the actual surface, everything I do will affect the final image. The way I bring good intentions to my paintings and sculpture has translated well to working at Blue Wheelbarrow Farm. When I am seeding lettuces I am doing so knowing that the seeds will grow into something that will feed my community. I put extra care into preparing the planting beds knowing that those seedlings will thrive in well tended soil. Tending to the land and becoming familiar with the tools and processes involved, is integral to my work on the farm as well as the relationships I have with my art work.”

-Neil Maguire


Empty Field 1, 5ft x 3ft, Mixed media, 2022-23, $4750.00

Empty Field 4, 5ft x 3ft, Mixed media, 2022-23, $4750.00

Empty Field 2, 5ft x 3ft, Mixed media, 2022-23, $4750.00

Empty Field 5, 5ft x 3ft, Mixed media, 2022-23, $4750.00

Empty Field 3, 5ft x 3ft, Mixed media, 2022-23, $4750.00

Vacant Lot, 5ft x 3ft, Mixed media, 2022, $5,000


Content with Waiting, Approx. 3ft x 3ft x 3.5ft, Mixed media, 2022-23, $8500.00

Carrier of the Lilac Staff, Approx. 21.5in x 33in x 66in, Mixed media, 2022, $8500.00